We built new latrines for 600 schoolchildren

There are more than 1000 children living in the surroundings of the Zazamalala forest that have no access to latrines or toilets at school. During this last Spring, Zazamalala constructed four latrines at two schools and will make sure they are properly looked after. This simple solution not only takes care of the stench, but also increases the hygiene of the children and battles a lot of nasty diseases and infections.
We are currently looking for funding to construct similar latrines for the third school in the area of Zazamalala. In addition, we want to provide people from the villages of Antsaribao, Ankfiofio and Tsinjorano clean drinking water by building solar powered wells.
We are always looking for people to support these kinds of projects, so please get in touch if you are interested.