From Madagascar with love: A lot of frogs

There are a lot of women and girls coming to Zazamalala to bring us frogs. It is the result of a flyer distributed on the market, in which we offered to pay money for frogs so we could save them from ending up on the dinner table. We analyse the frogs, take pictures and afterwards we release the frogs in the many pools in the botanical garden and forest. We asked for different frogs, but nonetheless we received over 200 frogs in at least 7 different species, ranging from tiny Reedfrogs to giant Mantidactylus. The latter are somewhat expensive, because these ‘Radaka’ are considered a culinary delicacy.
The Reedfrogs are abundant in the trees near the pools, but now we recognize all 3 species, the more or less yellow banded Heterixalus luteostriatus and H. carbonei, and the Three-colored Reedfrog. Abundant are Skeleton tree frogs (Boophis doulioti), characterised by a green underside. Typical are the toad-like Antsouhy Tomato frogs (Dyscophus insularis) and the rough-skinned Burrowing rain frogs (Scaphiophryne menabensis). The latter is named after its habit to stay underground, but appear in great numbers in shallow pools after heavy rain. The aquatic Grass frogs (Ptychadena mascareniensis) are common in the rice fields.